Golang - Prototype Pattern

Golang - Prototype Pattern

The Prototype pattern is a creational pattern that allows objects to be created from existing objects of the same class. This pattern is useful when creating objects is expensive or time-consuming, and you want to avoid unnecessary duplication of objects.

To implement the Prototype pattern in Golang, you can define an interface that includes a method to clone the object. Then, you can define a struct that implements this interface and provides a clone method that returns a copy of itself.


Here's an example implementation of the Prototype pattern in Golang:

package main

import "fmt"

type Cloneable interface {
    Clone() Cloneable

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func (p *Person) Clone() Cloneable {
    return &Person{
        Name: p.Name,
        Age:  p.Age,

func main() {
    person1 := &Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 30}
    person2 := person1.Clone().(*Person)


In this example, we define a Cloneable interface that includes a Clone method. Then, we define a Person struct that implements this interface and provides a Clone method that returns a copy of itself.

In the main function, we create a person1 object and then use the Clone method to create a copy of it (person2). We can then print both objects to confirm that person2 is a copy of person1.


Overall, the Prototype pattern can be a useful tool for creating objects in a more efficient and flexible way. By leveraging existing objects, you can avoid unnecessary duplication and improve the performance of your application.


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