Golang - Composite Pattern

Golang - Composite Pattern

In object-oriented programming, the Composite pattern is a structural design pattern that allows you to compose objects into a tree structure and work with the tree as if it were a singular object. This pattern is part of the famous "Gang of Four" design patterns.

Understanding the Composite Pattern

The Composite pattern is useful when you need to work with objects with a hierarchical structure. It allows you to create a tree-like structure where each node in the tree can be either a single object or a group of objects. All the nodes in the tree can be treated as individual objects or as part of a larger group.

In the Composite pattern, there are two types of objects: leaf objects and composite objects. Leaf objects are the end nodes in the tree and do not have any children. Composite objects, on the other hand, can have one or more child nodes, which can be either leaf objects or other composite objects.

Implementing the Composite Pattern in Golang

In Golang, we can implement the Composite pattern by defining an interface that all the objects in the tree will implement. This interface will define the methods that will be used to manipulate the objects in the tree.

type Component interface {

The Operation method is the method that will be called on all the objects in the tree. The implementation of this method will be different for leaf objects and composite objects.

To implement the composite object, we will define a struct that will hold a list of child nodes.

type Composite struct {
    children []Component

The Composite struct will have a list of child nodes, which can be either leaf objects or other composite objects. We can then implement the Operation method for the Composite struct.

func (c *Composite) Operation() {
    fmt.Println("Composite operation")
    for _, child := range c.children {

The Operation method for the Composite struct will call the Operation method on all the child nodes.

To implement the leaf object, we will define another struct that will hold the data for the leaf node.

type Leaf struct {
    data string

The Leaf struct will hold the data for the leaf node. We can then implement the Operation method for the Leaf struct.

func (l *Leaf) Operation() {
    fmt.Println("Leaf operation -", l.data)

The Operation method for the Leaf struct will simply print the data for the leaf node.

Code Example

Let's create a simple example to illustrate the Composite pattern. We will create a tree-like structure to represent a file system. The root node of the tree will be a directory, and it will have two child nodes: a file and another directory. The second directory will have two child nodes: a file and another directory.

func main() {
    root := &Composite{
        children: []Component{
            &Leaf{data: "file1.txt"},
                children: []Component{
                    &Leaf{data: "file2.txt"},
                        children: []Component{
                            &Leaf{data: "file3.txt"},



Leaf operation - file1.txt
Composite operation
Leaf operation - file2.txt
Composite operation
Leaf operation - file3.txt

In the example above, we created a tree-like structure to represent a file system, and we called the Operation method on the root node of the tree. The output shows that the Operation method was called on all the nodes in the tree.


The Composite pattern is a powerful tool for working with hierarchical structures. It allows you to create a tree-like structure where each node in the tree can be either a single object or a group of objects. In Golang, we can implement the Composite pattern by defining an interface that all the objects in the tree will implement, and by using structs to define the composite and leaf objects.

I hope this article has helped you understand the Composite pattern and how to implement it in Golang. Happy coding!


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